
industrial floor sweeper

Industrial floor sweeper
floor sweepers are ideal for any application and feature compact designs, easy controls and high maneuverability that help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

The Collector series of industrial floor sweepers are ideal for shopping centers, warehouses, outdoor cleanup, manufacturing facilities and other establishments that require outstanding sweeping performance. Product features include a large main broom that boosts sweeping capacity and performance, a large side broom overlap that is helpful for negotiating tough corners and a powerful dust filter with an aggressive filter shaker. The Collector series also features a robust, heavy duty steel frame that will withstand years of regular use, durable covers that protect the engine, battery and debris hoppers, a parking brake that increases safety due to its automatic release upon starting and an ergonomic self-propelled traction drive system that makes operations a breeze. The innovative overthrow sweeping system achieves 100 percent hopper capacity, and the quiet gasoline engine enables you to clean anytime without interrupting daily operations.

industrial floow sweeper

